A Wait Problem

Do you count the items the person in front of you has in their cart in the grocery store express lane? Do you honk your horn at people if they don’t smoke their tires the second the traffic light turns green? Do you ever pass slower drivers on the right and give them the evil eye as you go by? Do you line surf at Walmart? If you answered yes to these questions, you, my friend, have a wait problem. You hate to wait. Do not be alarmed. Most of us suffer from this condition. Our national anthem isn’t The … Read more…

Spiritual Warfare is Boring

A couple of years ago, I heard a wise elder describe a church split in an incredibly gracious way. He had been on one side of the schism and some in the room had been on the other. They had all long-since reunited, but if you’ve ever been through one of those things, you know the memories last and the pain can linger. So here’s what he said; “I experienced those events differently than some of you in the room, but it is a part of a history that shapes all of us.” A masterful combination of truth and grace. … Read more…