Click, Click, Click

An old friend of mine is dying. I learned the news just this week and the truth is, I didn’t even know he was sick. Cancer. We were a part of the same church back in Atlanta. Then they moved, we moved a couple of times and we lost touch. Still, I was deeply saddened to hear that hospice has been called in. If you have some relationships that have atrophied due to distance or time or whatever, it would be good to reach out and reconnect. The unexpected turn in life is not a bug. It’s a feature. He … Read more…


I had this routine when I was a kid. I’d come home from school, pull a sleeve of saltines from the box and lay a dozen crackers out on the counter. I’d take three of those processed cheese squares and quarter them, put a piece of cheese on each cracker and stack them up. Then I’d pour a tall glass of sweet tea, carry it all into the living room, eat cheese crackers and watch Gilligan’s Island. Every day. Other than the fact that I was in love with Mary Ann, I can’t tell you why I was such a … Read more…

You’ve Lost That Loving . . . Doing

I’m preaching a series these days on the letters to the seven churches in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. Last Sunday, we focused on the church in Ephesus – the church that had forsaken the love they had at first. In the past, I interpreted that to mean that they had fallen out of love with Jesus. That their worship was routine, their prayer life mundane and their ministry motivated by nothing but duty. Now, I think that’s the wrong take. The text doesn’t say that. What it says is that they were doctrinally sound, stubbornly faithful and actively serving. … Read more…